Milc with a C Devlog: 2

Hello everyone!

This is my second devlog. I have downloaded some very good plugins. The development of the game is going smoothly with a fair few rough patches there and there but for the most part it's doing fine.

I have figured out how to get scrolling back rounds working. And the writing is going very well.

At first this game was only going to be that kind of game that you make in a week as a joke and that was it.

But now I feel this might actually make for a good game. It has a ton of potential that I never realized when making this game at the beginning.

This is now a game with a genuine story.

I might spend 1-3 years working on this but I for sure will finish this game.

I haven't worked on a game this big since 2020 with An Unusual Dream.

For this week and next week I might focus on code.

Then I will focus on plugins then art and then finaly I will release the demo.

I hope you are excited and remember to stay in good health.


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